Teresa Kriegsman
Creative Director
pixels & picas. dogs & cats. peanut butter & jelly. mountains & coast.

professional mantra
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. – Steve Jobs
brands I have helped
Auto Remarketing, Bank of Floyd, Convergent Nonprofit, Carolina Business Connection, Cary Chamber of Commerce, Catholic Charities, Hamilton Designworks, Ken Melton & Associates, Mid-South Engineering, RPG Solutions, Triangle British American Business Council, Ward Family Law, Whole Dog Institute
other professional activities
Adjunct lecturer in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at UNC-CH
known around the office for
My never-ending quest for the always-elusive “content.”
Laughing loudly, er, I mean infectiously, at my own jokes.
best “out” word that describes me
personal mantra
You must do the thing you think you cannot do. – Eleanor Roosevelt
for fun
Hanging out with family and friends.
Reading cheesy chick magazines.
Attempting to pet all of the dogs.
MA in Technology and Communication, UNC-Chapel Hill
Webmaster Certificate, N.C. State University
BA in Journalism, UNC-Chapel Hill